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La Sauge Blanche | Vertus, Propriétés et Purification - La Bougie Herbivore

White Sage | Virtues, Properties and Purification

La Sauge Blanche - La Bougie Herbivore

You've probably already heard of White Sage. This plant native to the North American continent offers numerous virtues and properties, both for health and also for energy. It is readily described as magical, powerful and purifying. At La Bougie Herbivore, we are big consumers of this sacred and ancestral plant, particularly in fumigation! Are you a little lost? Don't panic: in this article, we explain what White Sage is and how to use it.

White Sage, what is it?

White Sage is the common name for Salvia Apiana. Its etymology comes from the Latin “salvus” meaning “health” or “salveo” translatable as “heal”, since this plant has many curative virtues. As for “Apiana”, its derivative gave “apis” meaning “bee”, an insect which particularly appreciates this variety. White sage is a perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family, in particular a subshrub native to North America. It is mainly found in California since the climate is very conducive to its development. Indeed, this medicinal plant needs to flourish in dry areas at high temperatures. It can also thrive both at sea level and at altitudes of up to 1500 meters.

The Native American peoples were very fond of this plant, which is also called Sacred Sage. They used in particular the dried flowers, herbs and resins of White Sage. Fumigation of this sacred plant allowed them to purify their environments and people while keeping away bad energies. The smell of Sage is very vegetal and powerful and is widely used to relieve many physical and psychological ailments.

The health benefits of White Sage

The medicinal virtues of White Sage

There are many ways to use White Sage for medicinal purposes. It is known to be antiviral, antifungal but also antibacterial. Moreover, the roots and the tincture of its leaves are particularly excellent for preventing the spread of bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, for example!

Used as an infusion, White Sage relieves sore throats, pain linked to the menstrual cycle and offers diuretic properties. It allows, in the form of tea, to reduce perspiration, salivation and mucus (in case of cough, for example). The Native American peoples used Sacred Sage a lot to relieve minor everyday ailments. They consumed it in particular to treat colds and eyes, regenerate the body and even as shampoo to slow the appearance of gray hair! Be careful, however: White Sage is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women and should be consumed with caution when interacting with certain medications.

The virtues of White Sage on a psychological level

Similar to the properties of Palo Santo, White Sage offers a number of benefits on a psychic level. It is a powerful purifier to use on people as well as in specific rooms and places. It brings mental clarity, inner peace, and concentration and also frees the imagination and creativity! Its soothing properties on the nervous system are also recommended, for example, for depression, fatigue, and dizziness.

Our sage-scented fondants, new from La Bougie Herbivore

Fondant parfumé sauge - La Bougie Herbivore

"After our candles, our diffusers, our astro collection, and of course our purification corner, we now offer you our new sage-scented melts! Offered in sets of 3, you can melt them in an oil burner to enjoy their fresh and herbal sage scent every day. Moreover, we have also incorporated dried white sage leaves to benefit from their properties!"

The best thing about this product is that you benefit from the advantages of a candle at a lower price, in a practical and zero waste format (since there is no container to recycle) .

We have decided to present our melts to you in this article because you can absolutely use it to enjoy the benefits of sage, but also to purify the room in which is your incense burner! The advantage is that their combustion will be safer and suitable for people who cannot use fumigation (like asthmatics, for example).

Moreover, if you do not know what fumigation is, we will explain to you in the rest of this article what it consists of, how to use it, as well as its physical and psychological virtues!

Fumigation of White Sage

What is fumigation?

La Sauge Blanche - La Bougie Herbivore

Fumigation simply consists of using the smoke resulting from the combustion of a plant. These fumes are then attributed with medicinal and purifying properties, in the same way as inhalations. To use our White Sage fumigation sticks, simply burn their tip, wait for the flame to catch a bit, extinguish it, and then let the smoke work. To purify a place, you just need to go into the rooms of your choice, allowing the smoke to spread well. To purify a person, you can use the same process except that you simply need to direct the smoke towards them. For this, you can use your hand but also a feather or any other object to guide the smoke.

The benefits of fumigating White Sage

The smoke of White Sage not only allows you to purify yourself and relieve certain discomforts, but also to ward off negative energies. This sacred plant is particularly ideal for performing your rituals, as it helps you focus, reconnect with yourself, and center yourself in the present. Moreover, we have created our LUNA candle - ritual of the Moon with White Sage in collaboration with Holisticzaza if you prefer to use a candle during these moments! Its properties can also help you purify your crystals in lithotherapy. Indeed, some stones cannot be purified with water, such as celestine. Therefore, White Sage is an excellent way to cleanse them with its beneficial smoke charged with good energies.

If our universe interests you, you can now discover our online store La Bougie Herbivore to find our natural scented candles and our reed diffusers! To stay updated on our news, you can subscribe to our newsletter and enjoy a €5 voucher on your first order! Join us on our Instagram and Facebook pages to follow us on our adventures!

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