Le Sagittaire, un signe astrologique qui ne tient pas en place - La Bougie Herbivore

Sagittarius, an astrological sign that doesn't stay still

Signe astro Sagittaire - La Bougie Herbivore

Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac wheel. Having the bad reputation of being the most unfaithful sign when it comes to astrology, it nevertheless has a beautiful, adventurous, mischievous and endearing spirit. Like any sign, this one has its share of positive and negative characteristics: that’s what makes it so charming! In this article, we give you a detailed portrait of the Sagittarius sign, so that you can get an idea of ​​their optimistic and explosive personality!

Sagittarius zodiac sign ID card

Sagittarius people are born between November 23 and December 21. They are therefore part of the fire element, symbol of spontaneity, courage, passion, but also sometimes aggressiveness, anger and impulsiveness. The planet linked to this fire sign is Jupiter. It represents luck, travel, optimist and enthusiasm, integration into the world, confidence in oneself and others. However, we must be careful of excesses such as buying too much, being too proud...

The color linked to the Sagittarius zodiac sign is purple for its symbol of spirituality and wisdom because it loves discoveries and learning things. Red can also represent it since it is associated with the color of fire, like its element (vitality, courage, passion...).

Characteristics of the Sagittarius fire sign

Sagittarius natives have characteristics very linked to their fire element. They can show impatience, impulsiveness, a certain ambition and a go-getter spirit. Their curiosity and open-mindedness constantly push them to get involved in several interests or subjects, whether artistic disciplines, sports, hobbies of all kinds, etc.

Generally speaking, the Sagittarius zodiac sign is very open to others. He likes meeting people and exchanging ideas, but also constantly learning new things. Moreover, this is why he needs to move, to travel to quench his thirst for adventure, experiences and knowledge!

Sociable, open, extroverted, this fire sign is also very independent. He likes to do things by himself, he is dynamic, in action and constant motivation. Sometimes, he can even reveal a charismatic and leader side. Those around him can sometimes have difficulty following him because he is so fidgety and constantly in action.

His need for freedom can lead him to play the weather vane with his loved ones. He can go away for a while and come back some time later as if nothing had happened. Despite this, he is funny, optimistic, sociable and demonstrative, which makes him a very pleasant sign to be around. On the other hand, his negative points are often his selfishness, his infidelity, his unconsciousness, his angry side and his lack of delicacy.

Sagittarius and his way of being with those close to him

Sagittarius, despite all the love and kindness they have towards those close to them, needs freedom, to stand on their own two feet. He likes to let himself be guided by his adventurous and independent side, without being held back by family and friendly ties. This doesn't stop him from being there for those he loves. Moreover, he does not hesitate to show his good humor, his sense of humor and his affection when meeting his loved ones! It is therefore a sign with whom we like to spend time, without any hassle while being sure to have a good laugh.

The notions of freedom and independence come back again in the area of ​​love, and they are essential for Sagittarius. This fire sign hates feeling trapped in a relationship, in which case, he will decide to leave! He likes to be in control and decide when he needs to take time for himself, without being blamed afterwards.

Romantic relationships with Sagittarius people are rarely monotonous and boring. Their need to discover new things pushes them to travel often or to try new experiences, constantly. Their partner must therefore ideally have the same state of mind and accept the intensity of their relationship in order to flourish with them!

The negative point of Sagittarius is that it often tends to be an unfaithful sign not realizing the harm it can do. His somewhat “fickle” spirit comes from the fact that he loves his freedom and that he likes to experiment, to try new experiences... Sometimes to the detriment of his other half. He therefore generally needs a partner who has complete confidence in him and who accepts his independent and elusive side.

Sagittarius and its relationship to work and money

Ambitious, self-confident and motivated, the Sagittarius zodiac sign must enjoy themselves 100% and feel useful and important in their work. He can easily adapt to leadership roles due to his natural leadership and charisma. Very sociable, witty and always strong-willed, Sagittarius is often appreciated by his colleagues!

However, his enthusiastic, very optimistic and fear of nothing side can lead him to see things in the big picture, even if it means cruelly lacking in realism. This is why he must work in a field that allows him to find a healthy and fulfilling balance. He must also be careful not to act too quickly and without thinking, this can quickly play tricks on him in the field of work!

The native of Sagittarius is a bit paradoxical when it comes to money. On the one hand, he doesn't care about material possessions, whatever they may be, because he prefers life experiences, cultural enrichment, meetings... However, it is also a sign thatloves live very comfortablyand who tends to spend more than he can. He must therefore be careful and ensure that he regulates his expenses carefully so as not to miss anything!

The Astro Sagittarius candle, from our astrological range

Bougie astro Sagittaire - La Bougie Herbivore

At La Bougie Herbivore, we offer a collection of 12 candles for each zodiac sign titled Astro Candles. Astro Sagittarius features a scent of wood fire, incense, and peppery patchouli, like Astro Lion and Astro Aries, our two other candles of the fire element. Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite adorn our composition to add their balancing and regulating properties.

Lapis Lazuli is an excellent stone for calming anxiety and feelings of sadness as well as regaining self-confidence. It stimulates creativity, restores courage and allows you to face complicated situations. It is linked to the Third Eye chakra (Ajna in Sanskrit), seat of intuition, wisdom and spirit.

Sodalite is a stone known for its reassuring, calming and soothing properties. It wards off anxieties and negative waves and promotes balance and love. Like Lapis Lazuli, it is linked to the Third Eye chakra.

Ebook les pierres de lithothérapie pour les signes astrologiques - La Bougie Herbivore

At La Bougie Herbivore, we have written a comprehensive guide of nearly 40 pages in ebook format with the presentations of the 12 zodiac signs and their preferred lithotherapy stones, to allow everyone to reconnect with their sign gently. Know that you can obtain this ebook for FREE with the purchase of any candle from the astro collection!


Did you like this description of Sagittarius? Did you recognize yourself in this presentation? Feel free to share your impressions by leaving a comment under this article! You can find our Astro Candle range in full in our online catalog. You will also find our handmade scented candles, our fragrance diffusers, as well as our smudging sticks.

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Je dois dire que je me retrouve vraiment dans votre découverte du sagittaire, rien y manque


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