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Quelle est la Différence entre le Signe Solaire, Lunaire et l’Ascendant en Astrologie ? - La Bougie Herbivore

What is the Difference between Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Ascendant in Astrology?

signe solaire, lunaire, ascendant - La Bougie Herbivore

When people talk to you about astrology, you think directly of your star sign. However, did you know that the latter is actually called the sun sign? Did you also know that there is also a moon sign and an ascendant, both as important as the birth sign? Yes, astrology is a more complex science than one might think. In this article, we help you to differentiate between the sun sign, the moon sign and the ascendant. After reading, you will better understand certain aspects of your personality and perhaps you will even know why you did not identify with your sun sign until now!

Astrology, a complex discipline for getting to know yourself

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Astrology is not just about knowing your birth sign (solar). It is a complex science that requires patience and knowledge to be able to correctly decipher your astral chart (the sky map at the time of our birth). So there is not only the solar sign, but also the lunar sign, the ascendant and, if we see even further, the planets, the houses, the concept of middle and background of the sky, the descendant... It is therefore a real discipline which requires constant learning, a bit like one would do with a language. Indeed, you have to acquire the basics, study the vocabulary and translate to learn English, for example. In the case of astrology, the goal is to learn about yourself, to decipher your weak points and your strong points, in order to be able to evolve.

However, it is important to understand that astrology is not fatalistic: your astral chart does not predict your destiny since you are led to make choices (concept of free will), to discover new things and to ensure that you transform your possible weaknesses into strength. So, if your birth chart tells you that you are a very angry person for example, this will not mean that you will be doomed to be so all your life without being able to act on it. We are all masters of our destiny: we can therefore change and evolve in certain areas!

The solar sign: the embodiment of its authenticity

Signe solaire - La Bougie Herbivore

The sun sign is the most popular sign when talking about astrology, since it indicates which sign the sun was in at the time of your birth. When we ask the question “what star sign are you?”, this is the one we’re talking about!

The solar sign is linked to the archetype of the Lion, which symbolizes the ego, self-assertion, radiance, the act of showing oneself, of standing out. This means that this sign represents our individuality, our authenticity, our deep self, what we wish to embody, our path. It is actually what we perceive in someone once we get to know them better.

For example, someone with a sun sign in Virgo may be very well organized, often nervous or introverted and thoughtful.

To calculate your sun sign, nothing could be simpler: just check the sign where the sun was at the time of your birth. To do this, you have to look at your date of birth and see which astrological season you correspond to.

For example, if you were born on June 18, you are of the sun sign Gemini (whose season runs from May 21 to June 21), while if you were born on November 10, you are of the sun sign Scorpio (October 23 to November 22).

It may happen that you don't feel close to the description of your sun sign. This is normal since other components come into play in astrology. There is the ascendant, the moon sign, the planets, the houses, etc. You can therefore have a personality more colored by the energy of your moon, ascendant or even a planet which is said to be dominant!

The ascendant: the perception that others have of us

L'ascendant - La Bougie Herbivore

Ascendant is how others perceive us. It is the aura that we give off, our outward personality, our spontaneous actions and our behavior in society. This element is therefore important to take into account in our theme since it plays a lot on our personality and the way others see us.

For example, a Capricorn ascendant Capricorn may come across as someone cold, austere, and introverted when you don't know them, while a Pisces ascendant Pisces may seem quite dreamy and sensitive!

In comparison, the ascendant represents our personality at first glance, while the sun sign represents our deeper personality, the one that we distinguish once we know the person better.

The ascendant is the sign that rises on the horizon at the moment of birth. It can be calculated for free using sites like Astrothème that create your natal chart in just a few clicks. However, you must know the exact time of your birth (the easiest way is to check your birth certificate), as the ascendant changes according to the hours!

For example, a person born on 21/10/1970 at 12 PM in Paris will be Libra rising Sagittarius.

The moon sign: cradle of emotions, imagination and intuition

Signe lunaire - La Bougie Herbivore

The lunar sign symbolizes our unconscious, our imagination, and our sensitivity. It is the cradle of our emotions and our intuition. Moreover, it is linked to the archetype of the Cancer whose characteristics are similar. To calculate it, one must check the position of the moon in the zodiac at the time of their birth (you can, once again, use the Astrothème website for assistance).

The moon, in astrology, represents this hidden facet of our personality. The one that we do not easily discern, since it is the seat of our emotions and our sensitivity. We can distinguish it when we know the person very well, when they have the confidence to reveal their inner garden to us.

In general, the moon sign is considered to be particularly strong in women since they tend to be more connected to their emotions and intuition.

To summarize, when we meet someone, we first discern their ascendancy. Once you get to know him better, you can guess his sun sign. Finally, when we establish a friendly or romantic relationship with this person, we will be able to distinguish, little by little, their moon sign.

Here are some examples of particularities of moon signs:

A moon in Taurus will often signify a need for routine, to appreciate the pleasures of life, and for true and loyal love.

A moon in Aquarius will generally need independence, freedom, and creativity.

A moon in Aries will show, in theory, a spontaneous, impulsive, and passionate side, with a strong temperament.

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You now know the difference between the sun sign, the moon sign and the ascendant in astrology. Maybe you will better understand your personality and your reactions, thanks to these calculations. Moreover, if you create your birth chart, do not hesitate to share your three signs with us in the comments and your feelings on this subject!

At La Bougie Herbivore, we offer a collection of 12 zodiac candles to help you reconnect with your solar, lunar, or rising sign. You can also discover our range of handmade scented candles, as well as our fragrance diffusers. If you want to cleanse your lithotherapy stones or purify your home, our smudging sticks of white sage and palo santo may please you!

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